Sunday, October 26, 2008

Take it easy

My cousin Bernie and her husband Albert just got back from their holiday in Paris and Lourdes. My colleagues Jades was just in Macau, Let was in Taiwan and Chloe is currently tim summing her way through Hong Kong.

I was brought up in the great Asian spirit of hurry. What good is it to succeed if one cannot enjoy life in the process?

It is well to remember that we do not primarily live to work. We work to live. A person who spends his life with work as his main concern dies a failure no matter what success he attains.

I, a city dweller, manage the sales and marketing functions of two beach resorts. Whenever I visit, the salt breezes off the mighty South China Sea sweeps cares away. The unhurried sounds of the natural world is in stark contrast in quality from city noises.

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