Sunday, March 29, 2015

The passion of LKY

The legendary Lee Kuan Yew is laid to rest today. To me, he ranks up there with world legends like Gandhi, Lincoln and Mandela.

The one standout of the great man is his overwhelming passion....for his country, for the love of his life and for his values.

So forget who you were. Forget what you've done. And forget what others are going.
Simply ask, What am I passionate about?
Now go do that.
And bingo!
That's who you are.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Can you hear the music?

There was the annual lion dance performance at my apartment today. I was in the gym, watching through the window, hearing both the drums and gongs compete with Ellie Goulding singing "Love Me Like You Do" on the radio.

For me, one of the greatest joys in this world is music. Can you imagine a world without music? What a weary, weary world it would be.

Life isn't always easy. I have had many mountaintop experiences, but life isn't always lived on the mountaintops of the world. Sometimes we find ourselves in the valleys of fear and doubt. At those times it is easy to become discouraged, to let critics get us down. The people who cannot hear the music think that the people who are dancing are crazy.