Sunday, May 27, 2012

Act of forgiveness

I returned the book "Lost december" to the library today. Lost december is Richard paul Evan's modern day holiday version of the biblical story of the prodigal son, a tale of redemption, hope and the true meaning of Christmas.

One of the most important aspects of fathering is the act of forgiveness - both asking for it and giving it.

It's 1 thing for us to admit our mistakes and ask for forgiveness, but it's quite another to expect our children to admit to us when they were wrong. I can only hope that by my modeling the ability to admit wrongs and seek forgiveness, he will do the same. Sometimes we must forgive them when they don't even realize they need forgiveness or they're not strong enough yet to admit that they need forgiveness.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

How we see ourselves is irrelevant

"We need to discuss what training we as leaders need to further develop our leadership skills,"Nancy stated on the telephone conference call.

When I 1st became a leader many milleniums ago, I didn't see a need to change my style since I had achieved success while being "one of the boys". I member of the gang can become its leader easily enough, I figured.

But I soon realized that how we see ourselves is irrelevant.

Having sought wise counsel, I have replaced the social interaction at the pub with regular, slightly more formal team meals. The risque jokes retreated into history. In meetings with my team, I often try to paint the big picture, positioning topics within the wider view of the company's goals and resources and helping people see how they fit in.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Integrative approach to reducing cholesterol

"I do 85 step tai chi", Rosalind said.
"I do yoga 2-3 times a week"KC quipped
"I don't run anymore but I go yoga now,"Michelle added
"I go biking on my mountain bike,"Mark piped in
"I golf" Loong said

The 3 pillars of cholesterol healing which has worked for me are: a healthier diet, exercise and statin. I now feel more joy and gratitude at having a second chance at life.
"Time really flies, doesn't it?" Anna commented

Take a look back. If you knew 10 years ago what you know today, how would you re-order your life? Would you have studied harder? Played harder? Given more time to people rather than things? Budgeted your money more defensively?

If I knew 30 years ago what I know now, goodness, there is a long list of things I would have changed. Not that I'm unhappy with how life has turned out so far. On the balance, it has worked our for good. But I note I should have got into that big space in my life called "room for improvement"

Monday, May 7, 2012

Overseeing personal brand

Beckham is the highest paid footballer in the world. It's official.

David Beckham is a legend, and legend sells. For Beckham, the potential is enormous. There are probably at least 30 countries where he is a household name, and a similar number of products he could put his name to.

So it is with overseeing our own personal brand. In every area of a leaders' private and public life, it requires a 24/7 commitment. indeed, it is probably the most demanding form of man management there is.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Official teen

ACE turns 13 today. Thirteen.

It is normal for children to want assurance that they are loved. Hence I write this now for him.

To Alexander Charles Er...I've always loved you because you are our first and last miracle. You sustained us streetfood years: the first apartment in Kuala Lumpur furnished in early poverty...our first mode of transportation (our Hyundai Coupe)

You wore new and had unused grandparents. You were the original model for unsure parents, uncles, aunties, granduncles, grandaunties trying to work the bugs out.

You were the beginning. The first baby in the Er family for 20 years.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Toughness in negotiation

"After consultation and review, we revised the honorarium as follows: Per day: $1000," Merla wrote in her email.

What do you do when the person you are negotiating with hits you with you'll have to do better than that? Do you cave in or do you refuse to panic?

Toughness in negotation is not about aggressive stances or contests of intimidatory toughness. The toughness I refer to is of the only worthwhile and long-lasting kind - tough in resolve. Not to give in easily. Not to lose heart. Not to wilt under intimidatory pressure.