Saturday, April 26, 2014

How to measure human character

"Steve behaved very badly. He constantly talks down on the wait staff,"CT reported upon arriving back from Shanghai

I had to admit it, but there was a time in my early life that I, too, persistently leave others feeling demeaned and de-energised.

Now, as I know, the difference between how a person treats the powerless versus the powerful is as good a measure of human character. To me, when a person is persistently warm and civilised toward people who are of unknown or lower status, it means he/she is a decent human being.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Holy Trinity of Health

"I don't do any exercise at all," Ping declared. " But I have made a revolution to start exercising."

To achieve big results, we need big energy. We can only achieve big energy through the Holy Trinity of Health: exercise, nutritious food and sufficient rest. We cannot control the pace of technology but we can help our bodies to weather the storms of change.