Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pay for performance

"Show me the money!" Tom yells.

All management ultimately comes down to managing behaviour. It is through the behaviour of people that all things get done. That's where performanace management comes in - managing behaviour and using performance incentives.

There are two ways to influence behaviour - the carrot and the stick.

Coming from the insurance industry, I am a firm believer that efforts must = rewards. I have been instrumental in developing and introducing incentive plans in my previous 4 organisations.

The carrot will most likely promote more aggressive behavior and change the relatively low risk environment to one of higher risk/higher reward. It will attract, retain and motivate a more risk-oriented workforce

1 comment:

shariel said...

Paul, it's Sharon Lu here. Which hotel are you with now? The last time I met you, you were in Sheraton Imperial, that was a super long time ago when I was still working with MAH. I saw it in your Facebook. Anyway, it's good to read your blog. Mine is: (if you ever want to hear of Canadian news/stuff)