Saturday, May 16, 2009

Words are emotional

"You're not listening to me," Yen growled. "What did I just say?"

As a salesperson a leader, a married man and a father, getting others to want to listen is a vital asset.

An analysis found that 99 out of every 100 words that people speak to one another are never heard....and there's rarely anything wrong with the listener's hearing. Usually, their eyes look deeply into ours - but it'a almost impossible to know what's on their minds. Even our best friend or spouse may stare into our eyes when we speak, but have her mind on a subject or situation 100 miles away.

Words are emotional. Use the right words and we break through their pre-occupation and get their attention.

For good or bad, the words we use words can make friends or enemies, lovers or leavers, a sale or a heartbreak.

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