Monday, May 25, 2009

Have the night to enjoy the day

Hull escaped relegation by the skin of their teeth despite slumping to a 1-0 home defeat to an under-strength Manchester United.

In life, things are better appreciated in contrast. A woman who wants to show off her black dress will not, if she is wise, stand against a black curtain, but against a white backdrop. Fireworks will not delight us if they were shot off against a background of fire or in the noonday sun; they need to stand out in the darkness.

Good things are better enjoyed when it comes to us as a "treat." No one would enjoy New Year's Eve if the whistles blew at midnight every night.

Happiness is enhanced when it has survived a moment of pain. I keep going at everything I do until I get my 2nd wind. In the same way, married joys, like all great joys, are born out of some pain.

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