Monday, December 21, 2009

Qualities that attract...and distract

"You start when you sink in his arms, and end up with your arms in his sink." so says the sign on the wall.

I believe being happy at work has a huge bearing on what is happening at home, and vice versa. If they are held down or masked in either environment, over time it becomes uncomfortable in each place, resulting in stress.

Think of the person you live with. Maybe you fell in love with a woman/man who was deeply sensitive and had a wonderful knack for doing things properly. Several years into the relationship he/she's driving you crazy by insisting that the toilet roll be loaded onto the holder the right way - again!

Isn't it amazing how the qualities that initially attracted us to a mate are the same ones that end up driving us to distraction?

I was told that one of the pivotal things to learn in a relationship is how to relate to our partner according to their perspective, rather than ours. It's damn hard, I tell you. More often than not we relate from how we see our world.

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