Thursday, November 13, 2008

Single parenthood

"I am tired, my child is demanding and at times I feel I need love myself," a single mum said as a matter of factly.

The hospitality industry is stewn with single parents. Perhaps is the time-consuming demands of the job. Perhaps it's the amount of travel time. Perhaps it's the high ratio of people contacts.

Some single parent family were created by divorce, some by death of a spouse. Some parents have never married.

I have been hearing heroic stories from my friends who are single mums/dads of trying to meet the needs of their children, while at the same time maintaining a career and personal life. Stories of the time pressures and economic demands. Stories of the loneliness and exhaustion of having to do everything on their own.
We are fortunate. We have two parents giving love to our child. Others, who are not so fortunate, is a single mother or father who is wounded and lonely and pressured. And I salute them.

1 comment:

The Godfather said...

this is a message from cindy y,

ini ada gara-gara nak jadi politician. perfect choice of subject matter coupled with the sparkle-advertisement photograph = start of a political career.

way to go. you have my vote.