Thursday, August 27, 2009

Persevere, persevere, persevere

"I woke up at 5am (Mumbai time) this morning," Michael said in a low tone. "Was speaking with people in my office in Singapore. Had some issues to fix."

I've spent a lot of time lately, thinking about the super-successful people I've known personally over the years. What separates them from the "never do well" and the dreamers?

Successful entrepreneurs believe so fully in themselves and in their missions that they are undauntable and so totally focused and purposeful, it's contagious.

They persevere, persevere, persevere. Tenacity, commitment, resilience and unrelenting determination to accomplish their objective is their strategy. They don't "fold" at the 1st sign of temporary defeat. Setbacks are but a challenge - and these are people who recognise the thin line separating "frustration" from "challenge".

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