Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No turning back

"We need to decide prices for next year," Mark said to me.

Making decisions, of course, is a big part of running a business.

Whatever the situations, at work or in personal life, I've found that following a few simple rules keeps me from getting bogged down by the dozens of puzzles, queries and opportunities that land on my lap every day.

Be willing to make a decision. Not everybody finds this easy. I almost always handle every piece of paper that comes across my desk only once. As promised by time management gurus, this small act of self-discipline has amazing effects.

Doing your homework always helps too. But the truth is, doing your homework only gets you so far. You also need to listen to your heart. Heart is not "winging it". It is experience speaking.

17 months ago, I had (a) an improved employment contract and (b) a new job offer both at the same time. What did my heart tell me? Let's just say, I have had 17 months of job satisfaction at my new job.

Whatever it is, at the end of the day, don't waste time regretting, revisiting, or ruminating over what might have been.
To jump or not to jump?... that is the question

Jades made the decision

Jolene made the decision...with a helping hand from Nadeem and the watchful eye of Stephie

Elly was decisive with Grace's help and in Titin's presence

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