Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Courage in the face of disappointment

"My project is on staff retention,"Stephie announced.

Staff will get on board and alight, but the bus will keep moving on. But there were times when we were lied to and used, and the feeling is one of great disappointment. We lose confidence in people. In addition to the discouragement we felt, our frustration level was at all time high.

At this point, I must tell you 2 of the most important lessons I learned from these and other challenges I have faced: (1) don't dwell on disappointment - determine to do your best anyway, and (2) we don't always know what's best. This could work out for the better.

The most important thing I value is the camaraderie of those who have suffered great adversity. This is the bond that links all of us, sales warriors and leaders. Not surprisingly, it is also the bond that links successful people. Success without adversity is empty...it is not possible.

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