Sunday, March 28, 2010

Creating self-managing teams

"People born in Taiwan in the 1970s and 1980s are commonly referred to as belonging to the "Strawberry Generation" reported Jenny Chou, "meaning that they are less able to withstand pressure and that they aren't able to work very hard."

Each generation is different from previous ones. Gen Y'ers have a set of life and work values that are very different from their parents and grandparents. Most of all, they are less tolerant of bosses. They believe they are entitled to a "good job". In other words, the newer workers are not satisfied to report to work merely for the paycheque. They have an acute need to be treated as valuable and respected contributors and to be given an opportunity to learn and develop.

I believe my leadership style of creating self-managing teams answers the needs of the new generation of employees. I break down the traditional, hierarchical, boss-based system and my team members control and manage themselves.
from left: Rae, Eleen, Stephie

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