Monday, October 19, 2009

I pay attention to body language

"How would you sit when you are assessing a candidate?" Joshua asked the class during the ACTA Conduct Competency-Based Assessment course. "Like this (leaning forward to the table) or like this (sitting upright) or like this (laid back with feet on the table)?"

In the business world , body language and nonverbal behaviours are extremely important to nearly every interaction. They influence negotiations, job interviews and the overall success of business endeavours.

Wouldn't it be amazing to have a videotape of ourselves throughout the day? That way, we can go back and see ourselves the way others see us rather than the way we think they see us.

I am conscious about paying attention to what my body language is saying and always try to choose nonverbal behaviours what are consistent with my words.

from left: Mufri, Darwin, Let, TiTin

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