Thursday, September 17, 2009

Learning the deal

"The Gen Y'ers and gen Z'ers doesn't want to start at the bottom," observed Cynthia. "They think a diploma or degree entitles them to a good jonb with a respectable salary."

Working one's way up through the system was once a tradition; to many young people today, it has become an inconvenient delay. But only grave diggers start at the top.

Paying your dues means starting at the 1st or 2nd rung of the ladder in most industries. From there, the rest is up to the individual.

Here's the deal: What ever job I have, I always give it 110% of my effort. I keep my eye on the goal, and act as if I have already achieved it. I behave, express myself, dress for the job I want, not the job I have. I also treat everyone for who they can be tomorrow, not who they are today.

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