Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My grandmother's death

My grandmother Cecilia, died at her home on 22 Jan 2012 - Chinese New year eve - surrounded by those who loved her and those who cared for her. I wish to honour these people.

These were her children, my parents and uncs and aunts, who for the past 3 years, bathed her, helped her to eat, attended to her medications, helped her dress. They had encouraged her, cajoled her, been annoyed with her, answered her questions, teased her whole-heartedly, dealt with her demands, and offered her friendship. Some close, some distant, some warm, in a special way, they were always there.

And perhaps by honouring their work and recognizing what these people did to make that final moment more sacred than profane, I can find a positive meaning to my grandmother's death.

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