Monday, April 19, 2010

Step out of your bondage

"He wants to break up with me," Stephie lamented. "Now, even my parents don't want me to see him anymore."

I have got news for you: wives and girlfriends who become clinging vines are not attractive to intelligent men. Hunsbands/boyfriends eventually walk all over wives/girlfriends who lean on them and exude an attitude that suggests, "you are my whole world, and if you let me down, I might as well kill myself." Ladies who become independently happy and content in and with themselves suddenly become mystifyingly attractive.

This is also a message that every young person must heed to survive the pressures of broken relationships so common today. They need to learn not to depend on others for their happiness and to find their own sources of happiness: they must no longer depend on their partners to create it for them.

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