Sunday, November 6, 2016

Express gratitude; everything will be a little brighter

"8 things happy people do differently" One of my ex-classmate from the class of '81 sent me a video with that title via Whatsapp. Number #1 was: never let the things you WANT make you forget about the things you HAVE. 

Part of my daily rituals involves getting myself in a place of gratitude. Whether it's driving to work or simply sitting down in a quiet room, I will do my 2-minute gratitude exercises. You may be wondering what my gratitude exercises are. They are so simple. I reflect on my gratitude list, a list of all the people, things and opportunities I am grateful for. What's on the list? My family, friends, health, food, clothes, my home, my car, money, meaningful work, my team, my office, my talents and abilities, travel and so on. I remind myself for all I have to be grateful for.

Gratitude is really important to me. For you it may be something different, but my experience leads me to believe that when we are in a state of gratitude, everything is a little brighter.

I have always had a real passion for music, and I have always enjoyed Billy Joel's music.  Three years before Billy Joel wrote the song "Piano Man", he was financially broke, professionally failing. And when his girlfriend left him, he decided to commit suicide by drinking a bottle of furniture polish and a bottle of vodka. The next day, very sick, he checked himself into a mental institution. Three weeks later, he checked himself out. He was a new man. It wasn't any medication the doctors gave him. The other patients had cured him. They reminded him of how fortunate and gifted he was,a d they had shown him how much more life could be. He was given a new perspective on life.

At different times on our lives, we all need a startling new perspective.

We view things not as they are, but as we are. Our mind creates a drama, a comedy, a tragedy, a romance out of what simply arises. As an anonymous poet once wrote, "Two men looked out of prison bars; one saw mud and the other saw stars." As much as we wish otherwise, the world unfolds as it will. All we can do is raise our vision to find purpose in our growing pains.

Problems are inevitable in a relationship, in a career or business, and in health and well-being. Hardship is a part of life - but whether we view it as a tragic or heroic, grotesque or purposeful, depends on our perspective. Our mind can light a candle or curse the darkness - the choice is ours.

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