Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rituals and traditions

"I go camping with my wife and children. It's a tradition," Chris enthused.

We then went on to ask this question: "Can you recall something that your father or mother did with you when you were a child that makde you feel really good about yourself?"

The answer to this question gave me insights into what I as a parent can pass on to my child now that will make a significant difference to his immediate and long term feeling about himself.

They weren't always momentous happenings, they didn't involve spending huge amounts of money, nor receiving gifts or toys. The memories of my dad coming home from work with my favourite pork floss, was something that made me feel special.

As parents, we have to take the time to enjoy our kids, to put in place some simple rituals or traditions that will give our children the message that they are a source of delight to their parents and that they are fun to be with and lovable.

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