Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Are we truly happy with abundance?

I arrived in Casablanca, Morocco last night on AT0961 ETA1910.

We look forward to the joys of travel, but we have to admit that the 2 happiest days are the day we leave home and the day we get back home.

Perhaps we thought it was marriage that would bring us perfect happiness. Even though it did bring a measure of happiness, we have to admit that we now take our partner's love for granted...

Perhaps it was wealth we wanted. We got it, and now we are afraid of losing it.

Maybe it was a desire to be well-known that we craved. We did become well-known and well-liked only to find that reputation is like a ball: as soon as it starts rolling, people begin to kick it around.

Here's what I conclude: our happiness truly does not consist in the abundance of the things we process.

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