Saturday, May 4, 2019

You don't get the ass you want by sitting on it

Every 3 seconds, someone is diagnosed with dementia, according to BBC News. 50 million people are living with dementia globally and predicted to soar to 130 million by 2050. Dementia is now the 5th biggest killer worldwide. A review of the scientific literature on stress and dementia risk concluded that stress could play a role in dementia development but is unlikely to be the only factor that causes the condition. 

My Success Coach puts it simply: "Stress is always the evil of all illness."

Extraordinary times require extraordinary health. If we're ill, we'll need to cope and heal. 

In our culture, so much shame and confusion revolves around weight. In the past, every KFC drumstick seems to have my name written on it. I had an addictive craving to food and often overeat. For instance, chocolate turned from simple pleasure to crutch when I gorge on it. 

These days, although I am not on any diet, I focus not only on how food tastes but to how it alters my well-being. I am also now an unabashed water-lover. In my younger days, I pride myself in being a "camel" feeling fine for eight hours without a sip. I misinterpreted this as my body's intuitive need. I now know about the regenerative properties of water, so I drink enough. With my new eating habits, I feel energetically stronger.

These days, I also exercise with the purpose to feel good, to be healthy - and to look healthy. A "must" is to listen to my body's subtle cues because I am clear exercise works best when it harmonizes the body.. I use to think "no pain no gain" and masochistically push through pain (not a pretty sight when I intuit this in people at my gym). I am also crazy about stretching because it releases stress clogged in joints and gets energy moving.

In my youth, like a great number of people, I upheld lack of sleep as a source of pride, chronically working and partying at the expense of sleep. I was convinced that to be successful in my field, I must sacrifice sleep and rest - I even believed this to be heroic. Now as I adopt a regular sleeping schedule, I wake up feeling renewed, refreshed and excited to get into the day - not occasionally, but every day. Being rested is not just about being awake - it's about being able to devote yourself completely to whatever is before you in every single moment of the day. I have seen it work in my own life and I have seen it work in the lives of others.

Deep in your heart, if you know you are working too hard, try to maintain balance. Don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with loving your work and wanting to apply yourself to it. But the need to be recognised through our achievements and belongings can hinder us from the real things, like time with those we love, time doing things we love ourselves. There is much more to life. Don't make work your whole life.

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