Monday, May 2, 2011

Turn the other cheek or slap back?

ACE, captivated by the movie score, watched the movie The Magnificent Seven with me yesterday. The movie is about an oppressed Mexican peasant village assembling 7 gunfighters to help defend their homes.

We often allow others to treat us unfairly because we do not want to confront or challenge them. We tell ourselves that we are above engaging in conflict over unimportant trifles.

Many of us were taught that when someone slaps us, we should turn the other cheek. So, we turn the other cheek; not because it is right, but because it is easy. Or it might be that we are afraid to further provoke our antogonist.

This is not always the best course of action. I learned the lesson that "trying to be nice" may not be the right thing to do. There is a time to submit to being slapped and there is a time to hit back twice, so we will not be slapped again.

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