Thursday, August 27, 2020

Find the positive benefit in every negative experience

From Taipei to Taipei. Eva Air's Hello Kitty Flight to nowhere was fully booked. International tourism has been effectively stopped in much of the world for more than half a year and this special flight with a Michelin-star meal, help satisfy its customers' travel itch. Singapore Airlines has burned through half of the $6.4billion it raised through share sales in just two months, even as it cut costs and grounded most of its fleet. American Airlines announcement to cut 19,000 jobs is the clearest sign yet of the devastation for the airline industry.

COVID19 is the gravest crisis the aerospace crisis has ever known.

It's a simple truth that in life you're going to hear "good-bye" many times. From employers. From family members. From someone you love. Let's be clear: It doesn't feel good. Not the first time, not the next time and not the last time. It never feels good.

Make a point to try to understand why it was time to say good-bye, embrace what good came from it, compartmentalise what feelings you have about the experience so you can handle the day-to-day situations that follow.

A metaphor is like the time when we were splashing happily on the surface of a pool, and life probably seemed pretty good. Every person in the pool were bobbing happily on the surface. And why wouldn't they be? It is safer on the surface, and there is a lot more company. In fact, life itself is usually great at the surface.

Oh...and just so you're not surprised, you need to know that, even today, when someone leaves the surface heading for deeper makes everybody really, really, nervous.

Down. It is the last place I thought to look, but I believe the treasure is indeed there. Not halfway down. All the way down.

We can use the bottom of the pool as a foundation for greatness. There is a power to be harnessed by bending the knees...squatting and push hard off the concrete and head for the surface. And when you break the surface of water - with a mighty yell and clenched fists held high, it would be overwhelming.

Okay, okay, okay...I can hear your head exploding from here. Settle down and let's think through this.

Unfortunately a mind has wings and also possesses an anchor. And either can be deployed at the drop of a thought. If you have become mired in life's quicksand by default...there is good news! As quickly as you can snap the fingers of your mind, you can immediately begin to alter the trajectory of your future.

How you think is massively influenced and largely determined by what you read, hear and watch. Another huge factor is the group of people with whom you surround yourself. Perhaps more important to choosing how you think is that you can choose what you will NOT read. You can choose what you will NOT listen to and choose what you will NOT watch. You can choose the people with whom you will NOT be around.

You know, regardless of how stressful or successful a momentary situation might be, a person's ability to outwardly demonstrate "enjoying the moment" as well as the ability to "be enjoyable to others in the moment" are critical, easily observable markers that reveal the stuff of which a person is made.

Life is a game of chess. We cannot undo the moves but we can make the next step better. The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.

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