Sunday, September 29, 2013

Low carb diet

"I lost 8 kg this year alone due to stress at work," Brendan declared, jest fully comparing his workplace to a slimming centre.

Like many health-conscious Singaporean, I get an annual physical examination when my doctor gives me valuable advice about moderating my diet and exercising more, after which I go have some bak kit the with lots of you tiao to celebrate the fact that I am not dead yet.

Because of changing technology, most of us have jobs that don't require us to even break a sweat, much less actually perform difficult manual tasks. In not-so-ancient times, plowing fields burns more calories than anything you do in the office, even if you count the aerobic activity of adding paper to the photocopier.

Most people I know have failed at their dieting efforts. Thankfully, there's now the low-carb diet craze.

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