Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We want unhappy customers to complain

"I bought a new Blackberry from Singtel, then I saw it offered in Comex and the weekend ads for a better deal. I have complained to Singtel and I am going to do it again,"Chloe was visibly upset.

Statistics shows that only 5% - or 1 in 20 customers - complain to anyone in Management. For every ONE problem where someone has taken the initiative and perserverance to complain to someone at the top at least 19 other complains are never recorded or reported.

The way I see it, it is important to have UNhappy customers complain. Because by satisfying them, we will raise those customers' loyalty by 50%. Customers who don't complain are the least loyal. They simply go somewhere else instead. Through experience, customers whose complains are quickly resolved are the most loyal.

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