Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What is loyalty?

"I was with Pan Pacific for 8 years in total," Thina, my long lost colleague from KL said when we bumped into each other. "I have now been with this new company for 2 years in Singapore."

To some loyalty means sticking around. To others, loyalty means telling the truth. I personally like that latter definition better. If the staff stick around with her mouth closed, what good is that? I'm not afraid of losing those people who stick around just to collect a paycheque; I'm afraid of losing the people who care enough to challenge me every step of the way.

I don't hire someone with the idea she'll be my staff forever. If when she leaves - after 3 productive years - though I may feel I have lost, I have actually won - because I have done such a good job that people want my best staff.

Jiaye (left), Brian (right)

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