Monday, April 5, 2010

Failure is part of progress, not final outcome

"I have stopped going to the gym," Zad said. "I don't have time anymore.

Some of us want to change, and have tried to change, but have failed so many times and start to think that we can't change. Paralyzed by the fear of failing again, we are afraid to hope. We are afraid of subscribing to false hope.

For some of us, the doctor tells us that if we don't lay off the fried foods, we will die of a heart attack, or that if we don't stop smoking, we will have to have a lung removed. Perhaps our spouse tells us that if we don't spend more time with the family, she is going to leave us. For me over 20 years ago, it was overspending and gambling that overwhelmed and debilitated me, bringing me to my knees in desperation.

Why are the people who come to radical forks in the road the lucky ones? I think it is because most people never get to that point of desperation and so never change.

We must never allow our spirit to be stifled by failure. Failure is part of progress, not a final outcome.

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