Friday, November 20, 2009

Move on

"You remember you said you wanted to email me something," Diah reminded me over dinner. "I am still waiting."

Diah. this is for you: The pain of a broken heart will fade in time, as all emotions do. With a physical injury, you experience the initial pain, and then the healing begins. The ame is true in losing a relationship. But if you continue to poke an injury or reopen a wound, it takes much longer to heal. Your continued contact only prolongs your pain. If you both want to be together, then work it out; if not, avoid any further contact.

A Zen proverb: "If you sit, sit; if you stand, stand; but don't wobble."

Every adversity has hidden gifts and lessons that reveal themselves over time. For now, know that as painful as it may feel, the healing has begun. Learn from this experience, and get on with your life.

1 comment:

Jegeg said...

Thank You: Two small words to convey the infinite feeling in my heart.
You can have no idea how much it means to me. :D