Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Handling criticism

"Our new boss likes to shout and criticise the staff," Cindy said with a sigh in between bites of the pizza. "Criticising is ok, but do it objectively."

Criticism is inescapable. No one can avoid being criticised - no matter what our position or profession.

When i receive criticism, I used to be depressed or angry. I don't cringe at criticism or become annoyed anymore. I know now that it is a sign of emotional immaturity, if we cannot tolerate to be criticised.

Since criticism is so common, you will only make yourself unhappy if you cannot respond to it in a positive way.

I have learned to look at it objectively and learn from it.

Having said that, I have to state that criticism that is based on spite or jealousy is very hard to accept because it is unfair. It is hostile in intent.

I don't stoop to pettiness - to the low level of my critic. I believe a dignified and restrained silence is my best reply. But there may be times when it will be necessary to refute criticism that is false.

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