Monday, November 30, 2009
The husband-wife combo: Progress or perish
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Who wins or loses?
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Ode to single parents
"I am a single parent," Edward announced to me while we were in Kunming. "I live with my 9-year old son in Beijing now."
I realise 1-parent homes are not all equal. Some were created by divorce and others by death of a spouse. Some parents have never married. Some single-parent families live near relatives and enjoy the benefits of closeness with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Many live far away from relatives and have to pretty much fend for themselves.
No matter what your situation, if you are a single parent raising your children alone, I know you can effectively show love to your them.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Turn down the volume
In communicating with children, perhaps the most serious mistake a lot of parents make is the volume they use.
Calm, confident and firm - that's what authority is all about and that's what I believe, kids understand, respect and respond to. When you're out of control, you've lost your kids and their respect.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
A leader's #1 priority
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
All this talk about family
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Living with the aged

Monday, November 23, 2009
No one size fits all
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Extended families

Friday, November 20, 2009
Move on
Diah. this is for you: The pain of a broken heart will fade in time, as all emotions do. With a physical injury, you experience the initial pain, and then the healing begins. The ame is true in losing a relationship. But if you continue to poke an injury or reopen a wound, it takes much longer to heal. Your continued contact only prolongs your pain. If you both want to be together, then work it out; if not, avoid any further contact.
A Zen proverb: "If you sit, sit; if you stand, stand; but don't wobble."
Every adversity has hidden gifts and lessons that reveal themselves over time. For now, know that as painful as it may feel, the healing has begun. Learn from this experience, and get on with your life.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Giving our all
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Language means a lot
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I won't die when I retire
"I have a Gen Y heart," Karen revealed during the ACTA Prepare and facilitate Classroom Training course. "Trapped in a Gen X body"
The boredom of older people isn't so much the result of aging. Rather it is the result of loss of enthusiasm and interest in life. People are boring, not life. Boredom is a problem with even teenagers as it is with older people. The problem, the way I see it, is suffering from hardening of the attitudes, not hardening of the arteries.
I have decided that I will not be an "old man." I plan to live to 90 and die young. I am always going to be open to life and keep on learning something new, so when I finally die, I might be an educated man with some wisdom. I'm in my middle years and I'm using the time to set some growth goals for the rest of my life.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Handling criticism
Criticism is inescapable. No one can avoid being criticised - no matter what our position or profession.
When i receive criticism, I used to be depressed or angry. I don't cringe at criticism or become annoyed anymore. I know now that it is a sign of emotional immaturity, if we cannot tolerate to be criticised.
Since criticism is so common, you will only make yourself unhappy if you cannot respond to it in a positive way.
I have learned to look at it objectively and learn from it.
Having said that, I have to state that criticism that is based on spite or jealousy is very hard to accept because it is unfair. It is hostile in intent.
I don't stoop to pettiness - to the low level of my critic. I believe a dignified and restrained silence is my best reply. But there may be times when it will be necessary to refute criticism that is false.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Fighter for my people
'I can tell that you have a very open and strong relationship with your staff," Jaclyn said enviously at Tehran Grand Bazaar.
If you want people to back you, back them, back them, back them. I am loyal downward; and I spread credit downward.
Every leader wants people to see his vision and follow his lead. He needs loyalty to make that happen. The leader needs to provide loyalty to get it. How can they complain about subordinates' lack of loyalty if leaders don't give it to them 1st? You get what you give.
Privately I might take them aside and try to "correct" their thinking, but I don't let them roast on the open fire.
from left: Jades, Grace, Eleen, Let,MT, Shirley, Cebbi, Nadeem
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Confidence shows
Confidence is contagious and so is the lack of confidence and a customer will recognise both.
Confidence means trusting in someone and relying upon them. Interestingly enough, it also means relying on oneself - self-reliance.
There's a saying: "A team that thinks it's going to lose is going to lose."
Friday, November 6, 2009
Share the dredge work
"Women everywhere are the same," Reza pointed out while we shared a shisha and some Iranian chai post kebab and doogh lunch. "They want love and to some, love is getting presents and some others it's having us to help in the house"
Sharing work at home is vitally linked to marital harmony.
But though my dad didn't help out around the house as much (during my childhood; he's doing plenty now), I'm doing a whole lot better.
In this hustle and bustle world, everybody, in short, is tired. This makes the hours that we spend at home with our families that much more precious, and figuring out a way to share the dredge work that much more important.
Empower through trust

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
All about handshakes
"Very nice to meet you," Trung said, with a 2-handed politician handshake
Like most people, I dislike dead-fish handshakes. I attribute them to lack of self-confidence, lack of interest or bad manners. When someone offers only 3 inches of fingers, I sense immediately that this is not a take-charge person. And if you have clammy hands, always dry them off before shaking.
I always am the 1st to extend my hand, grip firmly and shake twice.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Lead, not rule
The way I see it, leadership is about maintaining a delicate balance between pushing and guiding. We leaders mentor. We guide. We set examples. We make decisions. But whatever else we do, we do not merely command.

Monday, November 2, 2009
See you at the top
Think with me here...everybody wants to be on the mountaintop. Check up on National Geographic Channel, mountaintops are rocky and cold. There is no growth on the mountaintop.
The view is great, though. A view simply gives us a glimpse of our next destination, that's what it's for, our next target.
But to get to that target/destination, chances are we must come off the mountain, go through the valley, and begin to climb the next slope. It is in the valley that we slog through, learning and becoming what enables us to summit life's next peak.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The sales occupation - not for the faint-hearted
"I love your job," exclaimed Jasmine. "It's a great job."
The sales line provides many opportunities for social recognition and status rewards, ie salesperson of the month, salesperson of the year, the president's club, an eagle plaque. It goes with the territory, so enjoy the sunlight, its warmth goes right to the soul and will make you feel good about who you are.
Consider this: without the efforts of sales people, the lifeblood revenues of the organizations they are part of would dry up. These are the heroes who allow the rest to play the game.
On the other hand, if you're not cut out to sell and fail to achieve a level of performance consistent with the needs of the organization or the peer group, be prepared to be left out in the cold. It is not for the faint of heart.
When sales people get together...