A relationship is like a human body. Both have vital signs we can monitor to tell us how they're functioning. For the body there are temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration. For a relationship, it's not so clear, but 4 that seems to make pretty good sense to me are: trust, respect, affection and confidence (TRAC).
For the body, of course, vital signs are extremely important. If they fall below certain levels, we may die. The same is true for relationships. When trust, respect, affection and confidence fall below certain levels, the relationship between 2 people is in poor health, if not already dead.
As a boss, I want to have an idea how my team members rate me on TRAC. I want to know specific reasons why they gave me the ratings. I also want to know what I have to do on each of the 4 dimensions to get higher ratings.

From left: Grace, TiTin, Rae
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