Tuesday, December 30, 2008

oh crystal ball, oh crystal ball

"Rooney anticipated the pass," the commentator said excitedly this morning, "got to the ball first and shoots."

"The decision was strategic and right at that time," Yanaka defended. "Who could have foretold that the market conditions would change so drastically."

Who wouldn't love to be able to see the future? That would be money in the bank. We'd all know what stocks to buy and where to purchase real estate. Everything we anticipated would come true.

There was an article in the Straits Times yesterday about a fortune teller reading the palms and predicting the fortunes of some TV celebrities.

There's a difference between anticipation and fortune telling.

Being able to anticipate what is likely to occur in the next few months and the next few years is enough to give you an edge over the 99% others who simply go along with whatever happens.

My sifu once taught me that to hone anticipatory skills, accept nothing. Question everything.

The "what ifs" should be endless. What if my current products doesn't sell? What if my top performer is recruited by the competition? What is the sales leads dry up? I constantly ask "what if" questions.

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