"We haven't gone swimming for a few weeks already," ACE reminded me while taking a break from working on his science questions.
Many people forget that the standard allocation has always been: one person, one body. Doesn't matter if one is the richest person in the world, you still have only that one body.
It has been said of some:
Lose health to gain wealth
Then, spend wealth to regain health
I have since realised that if we take care of our bodies, our bodies will take care of us. Abuse it and it will let us down when we least expects it to. Our body is meant to last a lifetime. With proper care, rest, diet and exercise, it should see us through at least 75 years or maybe even more.
In my younger days, I pay only cursory attention to my body. It took a lot of punishment. Now, I try to keep fit. 
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