"Men and women are so different," Diah pointed out at the poolside BBQ. "Men need music with beat in their intimate moments while women prefer soothing music like jazz."
Women say they really love and long for that feeling of being deeply listened to, of being loved, of being understood. In fact, for most women, without this, our chances of carrying on a jolly, spicy, long-lasting relationship are virtually nil.
Fair enough. But how is a guy supposed to give them that feeling? After all, for most of us, the misunderstandings begin almost as soon as we open our mouths (or don't open them)
Let's face it: The whole idea of just sitting there listening to a woman, venting, without offering solutions, without being pushy but remaining attentive and sympathetic for seemingly interminable periods of time...it's well, not exactly something that comes naturally to us men.
Look, if we want the love and understanding of a good woman - and what on Earth could be better? - we're going to have to learn a little bit about how to talk and listen to women.
The woman just needs to get it off her chest. We can listen and perhaps hold her, telling her we love her and is there for her. It shows a lot of love when a man give his precious commodity: time.It may be only 30 minutes. But is that so much in the big scheme of things? Is that football game so important that showing love and concern has to be quickly brushed aside?
Women say they really love and long for that feeling of being deeply listened to, of being loved, of being understood. In fact, for most women, without this, our chances of carrying on a jolly, spicy, long-lasting relationship are virtually nil.
Fair enough. But how is a guy supposed to give them that feeling? After all, for most of us, the misunderstandings begin almost as soon as we open our mouths (or don't open them)
Let's face it: The whole idea of just sitting there listening to a woman, venting, without offering solutions, without being pushy but remaining attentive and sympathetic for seemingly interminable periods of time...it's well, not exactly something that comes naturally to us men.
Look, if we want the love and understanding of a good woman - and what on Earth could be better? - we're going to have to learn a little bit about how to talk and listen to women.
The woman just needs to get it off her chest. We can listen and perhaps hold her, telling her we love her and is there for her. It shows a lot of love when a man give his precious commodity: time.It may be only 30 minutes. But is that so much in the big scheme of things? Is that football game so important that showing love and concern has to be quickly brushed aside?

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