Saturday, November 4, 2017

Caring without compromise

A new Toy Story. A Brexit minister has admitted to asking his personal assistant to buy sex toys. Lately there's a slew of stories with different characters but similar themes: men in positions of power, and women who feel their institutions didn't do enough to protect them.

Simon Sinek puts it this way: Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.

Think about what do you want from your people? Focus. Effort. Dedication. Loyalty. Make their numbers. Achieve their goals. Get results.

Here's another question: what do you want for your people?

Most leaders tend to pursue results by focusing on what they want from people. I think they have it backwards. When we focus on what we want for our people, we are more likely to get the results we want from people.

Sadly, these days, many leaders lead from a distance. They don’t really know the people they lead nor do the people know their leader.  I get down in the trenches with my people.  It means caring for them; for what they think, what they need, what they want. Every human being has dreams; leaders help their people achieve those dreams. Caring for your people  has EVERYTHING to do with running a high performing team.

I also try to instill fun in everything we do, especially mundane, repetitive jobs. The point is that having fun at work with your friends creates insignificantly more social glue for any team than stock options and bonuses will ever provide. We accomplish more when we throw formality to the winds and free our people to have a life on our time, which soon becomes the time of their lives.

After all, leaders are not responsible for the numbers. Leaders are responsible for the people responsible for the numbers.

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