Sunday, March 20, 2016

What does not destroy me, makes me stronger

People often tell me how lucky I am to have landed such a fun job. I'm sure luck played some sort of role, but for the past 27 years I have truly worked in overdrive. It has been challenging to get so far so fast, but it hasn't been the hard part.
The hard part has been - in both subtle and overt way - people ignoring the rules of friendly competition and working together. believe me, I have already been beyond the gates of hell. This has turned out to be one of the greatest ongoing lessons in my life...and it is a positive one. Things like an unreasonable customer, a disrespectful colleague and a micromanaging or bias boss give some people ulcers. Marital spats, financial troubles and a rogue staff give people high blood pressure. But I have to tell you. It has taught me in a very clear way that we can't allow people and events to ruin even a minute of our day, much less our lives
Those were not easy times in my life, but they certainly had value. I suppose it taught me a lesson of perseverance that I never forgot. And they have given my life perspective. The struggles, you see, made me strong.
I have often wondered if I would have become a success without these storms in my life. And it also makes me wonder how many other challenges in life will turn out to be blessings in disguise.
There's no "happy ending" to this obstacle story. It's a struggle I still deal with almost everyday. All I'm saying is, you don't have to look far to find discouragement, but if you believe in yourself, in your dreams and in your future, someone, somewhere, sometime will listen.


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