Sunday, June 9, 2013

To be the best-version of ourselves

12 forty niners from Saints81 congregated in JB last night.

The bulk of the focus of the night was doing and having. 9 times out of 10 the question was, "What do you do?" and "how many children do you have?"

What we do in the span of our lives  may bring us financial rewards, status, fame, power and unimaginable possessions, but lasting happiness and fulfillment are not by-products of doing and having.

I believe who we become is infinitely more important than what we do or what we have.

In the words of Robert Louis Stevenson, "To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life."
Standing (from left: Vipu, Basil, Thulasi, Kim Long, Thiru, Soma, Benjamin)
Seated(from left: Michael, Thiagarajan, richard, Jaya)

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