Sunday, April 10, 2011

Loyalty up and down

Seeing the cover on the DVD in the 1976 movie, All the President's men starring Robert redford and Dustin Hoffman reminded me of the famous quote "we are all the president's men" by Henry Kissinger.

Most of us tend to have a tendency to surround ourselves with people we like. We like people who think as we think, and we like people who like us. We trust people who are part of "our team". I know I would rather have a less competent individual who was loyal than one who walked on water that I couldn't trust.

Betrayal is where it's at in the lives of most humans; therefore all else being equal, loyalty is the paramount quality I look for in my core team. After loyalty come ability, skill and competence.

Standing (from left): Let, Vic, Brian

Seated (from left): Jades, Shirley, Rae, Chloe, Stephanie

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