Unbelievable! I was smoking shisha and drinking Turkish coffee on saturday afternoon on busy Taksim Square in Istanbul when a hearse pulled up next to me and a few men carried a coffin from down a nearby alley and loaded it into the hearse. Then the hearse pulled away and it was gone.
A new child in a family can cause as much stress as a death in the family. "Falling in love" can be as stressful as "falling out of love." However, whether its source be pleasant or painful, stress can easily make us very unhappy. Overwork, the loss of a job, can cause stress. But small things like a time deadline, a simple quarrel or a gadget that doesn't work can throw us off balance.
I find a confidant with whom I can be totally open and feel totally safe. I talk out all my significant and emotion-filled experiences. But I ensure I let my confidant have equal time. Nobody wants to be a human garbage dump for emotional refuse.

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