Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Find a confidant to counter stress

Monday, November 29, 2010
Stress reduction
"Today all the shops are closed. It is Sunday," Martha informed me upon my check in to Le Meridien La Ramblas, Barcelona. "Tomorrow they are open by 10am and it will get busy in siesta time."
All too often, the coffee break/lunch break is abused rather than maximised. A lunch break should be used as a time to relax so that we are more effective when we return to work.
We should get our mind off the job and preferably into the wild blue yonder. We'll feel much more refreshed when we land again.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Reverse English
"I will be in some ads next year," Irem said while sipping her Martini El Turko
We sell by talking about things people want. We can also sell by talking about things people don't want.
What don't people want? The exact opposite of the things they do want.
Listerine is good at this: the girls who read the cosmetic ads usually get a hint of what wonders can be in store if they do use the stuff, but Listerine tells them frankly what will happen if they don't!
I say: reverse English can make our sales pitch stronger.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Room to negotiate in a negotiation
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Have a grateful perspective
It was Jack Cranfield who said on stage in Singapore, "Whatever you focus upon, increases."
The concept works like this: when we focus on things we need, we'll find those needs increasing. If we set our minds on loss, we are likely to lose.
But a grateful perspective brings happiness into a person's life.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Are we truly happy with abundance?
I arrived in Casablanca, Morocco last night on AT0961 ETA1910.
We look forward to the joys of travel, but we have to admit that the 2 happiest days are the day we leave home and the day we get back home.
Perhaps we thought it was marriage that would bring us perfect happiness. Even though it did bring a measure of happiness, we have to admit that we now take our partner's love for granted...
Perhaps it was wealth we wanted. We got it, and now we are afraid of losing it.
Maybe it was a desire to be well-known that we craved. We did become well-known and well-liked only to find that reputation is like a ball: as soon as it starts rolling, people begin to kick it around.
Here's what I conclude: our happiness truly does not consist in the abundance of the things we process.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Concise is a virtue
"No frills" advertising copy is brief, direct & delivers a knockout punch every time. When we're about to say something in 10 words, we should try to see if we can say it in 8 or 6 or 4. Because when it comes to copy, being concise is a virtue.
Short, powerful words create an urgency and rhythm that drives home sales message so it has the best chance of getting noticed.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Takes a real man to be a dad
"Kenneth's father is always travelling on business. That's why he is bringing Kenneth to Chicago and New York this school holidays," Eni told us at the Lavender mrt station.
I am by no means a perfect father. I've made plenty of mistakes and had to apologise to my kid many times, just like every father who has ever lived. But I've always done my very, very best. When I became a father, I was absolutely determined that my kid would have his dad's guiding presence in his life.
Physical distance from our kid is toxic; emotional distance is even more toxic. Someone else once said that any male can spawn a child, but it take a real man to be a father.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Popularity is not leadership
"Governor Arnold Schwarsenegger's approval rating at an all time low; he's less popular than Gray Davis," reported LA Weekly.
That's the problem with so many of today's leaders. Their idea of leadership is to take surveys and polls and find out what's popular, and then try to adopt their stance. They want to be all things to all people, and they end up being nothing to nobody. They think popularity is leadership.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Selling has no seniority system
Friday, November 19, 2010
Keep teaching and selling separate
We sales people encounter this a lot: in order to sell our products we have to teach the prospect about it. We have to fulfill both roles - salesperson and teacher.
When doing presentations, we need to educate (what is it?) and sell (why buy it?) at the same time. I find that using 2 different backgrounds in the powerpoint presentation, 1 for teaching slides and 1 for sales slides, is more effective.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
CV review
The 1st step in screening out the obviously inappropriate candidate is the resume review. I should insert a word of warning here: sometimes, diamonds in the rough could be screened out from the group. I always keep in mind when reviewing resumes, that when in doubt, the benefit of the doubt should go to the applicant. I would at least interview him or her.
Job-hopping per se should not be a knockout, as it all too often is, but the reasons for those changes and the kind of changes might be. For example, individuals with the kind of strong personality we might wish to hire might just be the people who will not tolerate a job that obviously does not meet their needs. So, in some instances, the very people who are automatically eliminated because they are job-hoppers can be the very people that we might really want to hire.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Open with a big bang
You're not alone in suffering some nerves, perhaps the occassional terror, before speaking or presenting.
Each and every presentation is a performance. Most audiences are not braced to0 be bored, rather they are eager to be informed and entertained. We all remember openings and closings of presentations far more than all the palaver in between. I usually craft my openings to grab attention, to get people to sit up and notice and be hooked into listening.
We all remember presentations that open with a compelling or funny story. I usually tell a story.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Many schools today are a battleground. Boys make trouble to get noticed. Girls ask for help but boys often just act for help.
It's a sad fact that bullying is a part of many boys'lives. A study of 20,000 primary and secondary school children across Australia found that 1 in 5 students were bullied at school at least once a week.
While the above may sound somewhat obvious, the fact is that boys often won't talk about bullying in the 1st instance because it seems weak to do so. The way I see it, almost every child, boy or girl, will experience bullying, and, if helped to acquire assertive skills, will overcome it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
My kid brought me to life
Everybody loves....BABIES is a visually stunning new movie which simultaneously follows 4 babies around the world - in namibia, Mongolia, Tokyo and san Francisco - from 1st breath to 1st step.
No mountain climb can match the fatique of the 1st 12 months of parenthood, and no accolade can match the pleasure of our own child running towards us with arms open wide.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Screen budget
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The world is what we make of it
Many people who are very kind in their own homes and offices can become very unkind and selfish once they get behind the steering wheel of a car. This is probably due to the fact that in their own home they are known; in the car they have the advantage of anonymity and hence can be almost brutal without fear of discovery.
If we believe that most people in the world are crooks, it is amazing how many crooks we find. If, however, we go into the world with the assumption that everyone is nice, we are constantly running into nice people. To a great extent the world is what we make it.