Let's face it. Whenever a successful individual is asked for his secret of success and that person replies: "Hard work", we usually can't help wondering if it was actually "good luck" instead.
Was it a lucky break, a rich relative, or crafty manipulation? Questions like these probably comfort our sagging ego but they also blind us to the truth - the truth is when they say they worked hard, they mean it.
But we work hard too, don't we? And yet we don't drive a Rolls or have a weekend home in Seoul, Hong Kong and Phuket.
When high achievers say they work hard, they mean loving their job until it becomes a driving passion, and devoting all their waking hours to thinking, planning and striving towards goals. In football terms, it's called...going all out.
Having got to where I am, I can tell you this: I find that the sacrifices in going all out are insignificant in view of the fact that I am doing just what I want to do most.

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