"Nothing is set in stone nor written in the Quran or Bible," Zain preached. "It doesn't say in there that you must service this account all the time."
The great debate in the sales fraternity is :"Should everyone's account portfolio be shuffled?"
Account managers or sales managers who spent years developing relationships with their contacts in Nokia, Shell or IBM are always reluctant to let go and be assigned different account portfolios
My friend Luke who is a pilot tells me commercial pilots hardly fly the same craft each day and are deliberately kept on their toes by the required completion of a preflight checklist prior to takeoff.
When sales leaders shuffle account portolios, we develop business decision makers who make their decisions based only on the facts, unencumbered with the emotional baggage of needing to defend their past choices.
The biggest benefit derived from shuffling account portfolios, I feel, is that it keeps everyone just a little off guard, constantly striving to do their best and to exceed expectations.

From left: Dominic and Denise
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