Wednesday, October 22, 2008


"Paul, All the best, Robert Kiyosaki 2002" autographed the Rich Dad Poor Dad author when I had a one hour one-on-one chat with him in Pan Pacific hotel.

I now find myself working in a company which is part of an asset management company. In my time here, working in a established private investment firm, I realise the difference between the rich and everyone else. Most rich people received 70% of their income from investment. For everyone else, the poor and middle class at least 80% of their income comes from salaries.

Investors make money with money. What I learned over the past 18 months, I incalculate into my son: Study hard, get a good job and make money. Then, eventually you can stop working for money and make the money work for you.

Financial freedom is the ultimate goal. What is financial freedom? That is when you can't decide to buy the red or the black buy both and one for the mother-in-law as well.

Here's the secret to financial freedom: OPM. Other people's money

1 comment:

shariel said...

I enjoyed Robert's book very much! I still own it till today. Very practical advice! How lucky you get to meet him in person!!