Turmoil and violence, death and pain. People acting more like savages than loving citizens of the world. We seem to be making little progress toward redemption. Everywhere on our planet, it seems, there are tears and sobs and cries of despair and grief. Is this what our world will continue to be?
Being on top in life once meant climbing to the top of everest, the corporate corner office, achieving recognition from the world around us. Now, for many, it just seems as if the journey from breakfast to bedtime without the loss of anything or anyone we love is all we dare hope for.
Therefore I always greet each sunrise with a thank you prayer to my Creator - for this priceless gift of a new day. Consider those who greeted yesterday's sunrise who are no longer alive today. Whenever I flip through the obituary pages in the papers, I ask myself "why have I been allowed to live this extra day when others, far better than I, have departed?"

11 Sept 2001
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