Being in love feels wonderful. But the euphoria soon disappears when conflict arises. These things are very upsetting! Now, instead of love, one feel anger, disappointment, or hurt.
You sense something is missing. The electric currents of passion that used to erupt when you passed one another in the hallway or when your hands touched as you exchanged notes are no longer there. You have the feeling your PC communicates more than you do.
Being married for 12 years next month, makes me an authority to say this: Building a relationship that can stand the test of time is real hard work and a 24 hours commitment. Love is....after all being close enough to touch but far enough to grow.
Several months ago while in the office, I noticed a colleague had her wedding ring on the index finger of her right hand. I couldn't resist the temptation so I commented, "You've got your wedding band on the wrong finger." She responded, "Yeah, I married the wrong man."

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