Black Friday is over. In recent years, however, Black Friday’s importance has faded as more online sales make it possible for shoppers to browse and buy from their couch or on their smartphone. I n our Covid-riven world, crowds are the thing to avoid. The coronavirus pandemic could be what finishes it.
Repurpose and Retool, for finding a solution to the problems caused by the COVID-19 crisis.
Everyday, there are reports on how companies are laying off more and more people - both blue and white collar workers. "Downsizing," "rightsizing," "reengineering" are the current buzzwords of the corporate environment.
In difficult times, people too often lose the ability to face the future optimistically. They begin to think about their tomorrows negatively. Undoubtedly some great tasks lies ahead of you. Get up, get over it, get going.
Sometimes good-bye is a gift. In the moment you don't realise it, you can't see it, you don't understand the reason why it happened. But looking at it in retrospect sometime later, it might turn out that good-bye was a blessing.
Starting over usually isn't easy, to say the least, but it sure can bring incredible results. Just like when Malaysia severed ties with Singapore, the country's leader, felt that the country has been cast adrift - with few prospects and little hope. There was only one thing to do: Work themselves out of their horrible situation.
Too late to start? It may be late, but it’s never too late.
Both Jan Koum founded Whatsapp, Jimmy Wales founded Wikipedia at 35. Mark Pincus and Robert Noyce founded Zynga and Intel respectively at 41. Ray Kroc started McDonald’s at 52 and John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola at 55. Let’s not forget that Harland Sanders started KFC at that ripe old age of 65.
Don't worry so much about what you can't do; just do what you can as only you can do it. I believe you have inside you a core genius - some one thing that you love to do and do so well that you hardly feel like charging people for it. It's effortless for you and a whole lot of fun. And if you could make money doing it, you'd make it a lifetime's work.
Any idea is worth considering. We waste money, time, and paper. But nothing is as tragic as the waste of a good idea! So, if there's a good idea in your mind right now, don't waste it!
Desire alone will not allow you to do something new; you must create the capacity to do it. Realize too, that you are in unfamiliar territory, and it may take some practice before you feel comfortable. Eventually, however, you will find a way to regain control of your own life.
Let me say this to you now: Don't wait for an inspiration. Use your head and your heart will follow. Don't wait until you feel like it to make the move. You may need to go on a diet, but you don't feel like dieting. You're waiting until you feel like it. Don't! Winning starts with beginning, and beginning starts with a single action.
Life today is nothing more than a collection of results of the choices you have made. And I would add this sentence: Today's decisions are tomorrow's realities. Any path in life can be either a dead end or a stepping stone, and the deciding factor might arguably be the degree of imagination and creativity one brings to it.
Nike has tapped into the sentiment that is so appropriate for a lot of us at this stage of our lives: just do it. There comes a time when you have to say to yourself, "I may not have all the answers yet, and I'm not exactly sure where this is going to go, but that's oaky. I'm going to take charge of my life and go for it!"
Straight ahead lie the greatest years of your life.