"Plan B or no Plan B? That is the question."
"In the fine tradition of British people interacting with foreigners,
Theresa May’s “Plan B” was to say Plan A again but LOUDER AND S L O W E R” Theresa May recently set out her
Brexit plan B to MPs (and it's just like Plan A). The deal will be debated in
Parliament on January 29. A vote is expected the same day.
Great results don't just happen. Relentless planning, all of it unglamorous, is the mainstay of our team's successes over the years.
Without a plan, our teams would not know how to work towards the same goals. Everyone will be rowing as hard as they could, but without leading indicators, we would not know if we were off track and needed to make adjustments.
Fire prevention is much more cost effective than firefighting!
Growing organizations outgrow systems. In fact, the faster you grow, the more important it is to take the time to slow down and plan with your team.
To that end, I surround myself with people whose knowledge and judgement I trust. I welcome and actively seek multiple perspectives on any given problem, leveraging all available brainpower, including the more junior members of the team.
The team has come to understand my values, and the more tenured members automatically transmits these values to the newer members. There is just a consistency of ideas. It's extraordinary what you achieve, especially if you have people with receptive minds who are eager to improve.
On my team, the best performers tended to be sticklers are preparation. That's part of the reason why there were good or great.
Once set, I keep focus on results rather than method. Life and business are confusing enough without adding into the mix change for its own sake.