Friday, June 24, 2011
Freedom and intimacy
All of us hunger for a love that will stay intimate and secure, yet encourage our individual fulfilment. Freedom and intimacy are to a person what sun and water are to a plant.
The question is how to achieve union without losing oneself in the process.
All of us need to be ourselves and to be loved. In childhood, we see-sawed between the fear of losing our parents' love and the determination to have our own way.
The people we want most to love us are those who pressure us most to do what they think is right.
A book I read puts it this way: "A most unusual and rare relationship is the Evolving relationship - where each partner encourages the other to express and understand himself/herself on ever-deepening levels. Loving feelings flourish and with them come support, mutual acceptance, fun and sensuality."
Compete or complete?
Unfortunately, many men feel threatened by their wives' abilities. A number of men are intimidated if their partners get more phone calls than they do.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The very idea of transforming people demands that we think about and apply a word seldom used in the corporate world today: wisdom.
We need wisdom to distinguish real aspirations from fake hopes, lofty goals and self-delusions. We need wisdom to judge whether the individual or company is capable of the change desired.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something - Plato
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Quality time - the 2 most negative word
Monday, June 20, 2011
never try to trick customers
Get the attitude right
At the back of everything we leaders plan, we will need to drive behaviour. many companies dream, many companies contain people who come up with potent ideas, but very few companies complete and execute. This is because they never get the attitude right.
Beginning to get the attitude right, then, is my 1st purpose.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Financial matters
Friday, June 17, 2011
Sales leadership is not for everyone
I behave as what I will be tomorrow
I don't get sidetracked by the challenges of the present. I constantly remind myself of where I am going.
As the saying goes, "Sing like you don't need the money." I behave as what I will be tomorrow, not as what I am today.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Rituals and traditions
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Match emotions
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
2nd childhood.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Try new things
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Kids do as we do
I do not get defensive when my boy catches me misbehaving. rather I take advantage of the situation. Like when I was caught using a bad word, i explained I was wrong. I made a mistake.
Children learn everything we do. When we speak in a calm voice instead of an angry one, we teach our kid how to stay calm when provoked. When we apologise for using bad language, we teach our kid to take responsibility for mistakes.
If my kid's behaviour concerns me, I normally look closely at my behaviour. Our kids do as we do.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Great expectations
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Give loyalty to receive it
"Tin Pei Ling resigns from senior consultant job to focus on MP duties." Today's TODAY newspaper reported. "The firm, where Ms Tin has worked for the past 4 years, confirmed her resignation."
I, too, have worked 4 years in my present company. Today is my last physical day at the office.
Many employers and employees alike seem to believe there is no longer any such thing as loyalty, at least in the traditional sense. There are very few "25 years of service"gold watches awarded these days.
Many leaders proclaim the company to be a "family". It is business, and there is no reason to camouflage the fact.
As a sales leader, to receive devotion and loyalty, I give it.
from left: Shirley, Michael, Chloe