Monday, May 30, 2011
Admit weaknesses and limitations
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Spot trends through travel
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The right thing
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Surprise gifts that are connected to nothing
I think it refers to surprise flowers or gifts that are connected to nothing but the desire to surprise and delight. Giving our loved one surprise flowers - or any thoughtful gift - is an unspoken message that lets her know we are thinking about her, and that we went out of our way to please her, and that she is special to us.
Many men give flowers after doing something stupid. Can you spell "i-d-i-o-t"? Although buying flowers to emphasise an apology is not a bad idea, we don't want to inextricably connect flowers to acts of stupidity.
Guys, in a world where so many relationships fail, doesn't it make sense for us to do the thoughtful little things to tell them in a 100 different ways that they matter to us?

Friday, May 20, 2011
Children mirror their parents
ACE and his friends got together to de-stress after their mid-year assessments last Tueasday.
As the twig is bent, so is the tree...and so they say. It is interesting, when one sees children, to speculate from the way they act as to the kind of homes from which they come. I think, as one can judge the vitality of a tree from the fruit it produces, so one can tell the character of the parents from their children.
from left: John, ACE, Kenneth, Gerald
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Customers are our best salespeople
I have organised events where our existing customers mixed with prospects. A customer bragging about our service/products beats our salesperson's presentation any day.
front row from right: Natalie, David
back row from right: Chloe, Albert
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Liking is key in making relationships last
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Preparing for battle
Many leaders mistakenly believe that their primary responsibility as a coach is to provide feedback and encouragement. I personally believe that prior to doing all that, a leader/coach's responsibility is to prepare his team to compete.
Preparing the team for battle would mean to ensure that we have the right people in the right positions, with the right skills, at the right time. It also means that all team members are properly trained for the mission and also have the tools, equipment, information and resources to get their jobs done.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
The many faces of mum
Friday, May 6, 2011
Gift from God
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Wait for the right opportunity
"Today is my second day at my new job," Vic said over the phone.
Picking the winning job and organisation isn't quite as obvious as it sounds. Even the most talented manager could fail by taking the right job at the wrong time. Wait for the right opportunity has always been good advice.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
My own mortality
"It's not good," Simon announced. "The doctors stitched her back. They said it's beyond what they can do. We are discharging her from the hospital tomorrow and bringing her home."
My aunt is in critical condition. I am assaulted by my own feelings.
My own mortality is much more an issue with me since I have moved into the position of being the generation next to die. Time has a different meaning. Expense of life energy is valued differently. I am not yet comfortable with thoughts of my own aging and dying. But I don't need to get comfortable as much as I need to get busy enjoying the time that remains.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Turn the other cheek or slap back?
We often allow others to treat us unfairly because we do not want to confront or challenge them. We tell ourselves that we are above engaging in conflict over unimportant trifles.
Many of us were taught that when someone slaps us, we should turn the other cheek. So, we turn the other cheek; not because it is right, but because it is easy. Or it might be that we are afraid to further provoke our antogonist.
This is not always the best course of action. I learned the lesson that "trying to be nice" may not be the right thing to do. There is a time to submit to being slapped and there is a time to hit back twice, so we will not be slapped again.