Monday, May 31, 2010
My people take precedence
Eliminate obstacles to success
I obtained an MBA through distance learning so that no one could say I couldn't handle the job technically. I attended many seminars and read many books on managing people and adopted the techniques I could that would help me to better manage my people.
You, too, can eliminate obstacles to your success. Aspects of your job can be enhanced by night school and seminars.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Action speaks louder than words
Everybody is familiar with the cliche "action speaks louder than words."
It is important to say the right things. It is even more important to do the right thing.
Ultimately, our actions are of greater consequence than our words. I always say what needs to be said, then act accordingly. Temporary discomfort is better than temporary relief. Results, for me, are judge and jury.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Sustaining intensity in middle years
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Young men dream dreams, old men see visions
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Amazingly enough, many couples make time for just about everything - and everybody - but each other. I'll have to confess that I am possibly the most guilty person alive on this one, or at least I was very guilty. I still am to a degree, but not nearly as much as I was a few years ago.
In the past, when acquaintances or business associates would pass through town and say, "It's my only night here," or "I'm here for the next couple of days," I would expect my wife to "understand" that I had to see my friend or business associate.
Basically, it was a "me-1st-and-you-and-the-son-can-have-what's-left-over" approach to marriage.
I'm pleased to say that now, in most cases, I have my priorities in order and weigh the importance of the get together before accepting or turning it down.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Fear of looking foolish
"Please tell me how people perceive me," Clement asked. "I am not one to mince my words."
Almost everyone fears looking foolish. Everyone has refrained at least once from asking questions out of fear that someone would say, "You mean you don't know that?" We've all held back emotions - whether laughter or tears - for fear of being thought a fool, losing face, being humiliated, losing respect and position.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Middle age
"Paul, we have not met for 29 years, since 1981 when we were in from 5 together,"Joseph exclaimed as we shook hands.
One way of telling whether we are growing old is to revisit the school which we once attended. If the students seem "much younger"than when we were there, we are in middle age.
Life, as it says, goes on. Some of us may feel we have left our passions behind, when actually it is the passions that have left us behind. Some imagined that we have mastered life, when really habits which we cannot break have mastered and enchained us.
Friday, May 21, 2010
The goodfinder
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
In giving to others, we could be disappointed
"What do you think about when you willingly help a friend and they always say you do things without a willing heart?" Nikki posted a message for me on FB. "Really breaks my heart."
Love exists not in isolation. Love is useless when alone, as in sleep or death. It is possessed only by giving to others. Yet in giving to others, we are often disappointed; some want to use us, others to possess us.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Appreciate and respect
There isn't a human being alive who doesn't want to receive appreciation. Lack of expressing appreciation for good things causes one to lose touch with the reality of any good in another. Many mates destroy thri marriage/relationships out of ingratitude.
On the flip side, differences of opinions are not an excuse to drop respect. Disrespect inflames bad feelings. It makes a good situation bad and a bad situation worse. Treat your partner with dignity and, chances are, he or she will want to rise to a higher level of respect for you!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Rewards and education
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The Lie
Friday, May 14, 2010
No one predetermined to be a superstar
Even Steve Jobs or Bill Gates had to get from nowhere to the top of the mountain. They may appear to have it made; but they, too, face the same day-to-day obstacles we all do, at home and with their families, at work and with their colleagues.
As the saying goes...everybody puts on his or her pants one leg at a time.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Knowing their proposals
May (centre), Margaret (right)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Building a market
"At the Sotheby's sale, a collector paid $442,000 for the first lunar rock ever to be sold," reported Business Week.
The balance of supply and demand is a dynamic process. What looked good will begin to look a lot less good when a dozen others join the party. That is the lesson the telecom bubble teaches us.
Here's a rule of business I once read: Don't fall in love with your product/service; that's the customers' job.
A lesson I learned all these years is to never underestimate how difficult it is to build a market. I don't lose sight of what counts; strategy, capabilities, customers and competitive advantage.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Look to give
"I broke up before I got posted to Dubai," Jason declared. "When my posting ends here soon, I have no one to go back to."
All of us to some extent are enduring agonies of loneliness and frustrations.
I once asked a psychiatrist friend of mine "How can you teach people to love?" His answer was mildly surprising, to say the least. He answered the question by asking one of his own: "Did you ever have a toothache? Of whom were you thinking during the distress of the toothache?" His point was clear. When we are in pain, even if it be only the passing discomforts of an aching tooth, we are thinking about ourselves.
This is a pain-filled world, and so, a loveless world that we live in.Most of us are so turned-in by our own pains that we cannot get enough out of ourselves to love to any great extent.
"Happiness depends on what we give, not what we get" - Gandhi
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Give self recognition
"I learned so much about this business," BeRt glowed. "I am so proud of myself."
When I do something I am proud of, I dwell on it a little, praise myself for it, relish the experience, take it in.
It is up to us to give ourselves recognition. If we wait for it to come from others, we feel resentful when it doesn't and when it does, we may reject it.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Being best friends
People on drugs eventually come down and so do people in love. Romantic love can only last so long as a couple are "high" on one another. After that, things go downhill.
Love is very important, but being best friends is a must. Yet almost everywhere we turn in our culture - movies, books and TV shows - we find romantic love, rather than friendship held up as the Holy Grail of happiness.
With a best friend, we can talk freely with our partners, whine and gripe, if need be; really express ourselves and feel that we are being heard; expose our doubts and fears without fear that this will be used against us.

Friday, May 7, 2010
My young man turns 11
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Make happy customers happier
Happy customers might not be happy forever. We can never take that status to the bank. Like spouses, customers can get the 7-year itch.
Even the needs of our happiest customers change as they move through the various stages of business : growth, maturity, decline, restructuring. We have to change with them. One way is to constantly ask "how can we make our customers happier." We should do that even if they are already happy. I let my customers define my business plan. The more contact we have with our custo
Hisham (middle), Hawa (left)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Contribute in meetings
"Michelle was the only sales person in our team but when we had to do a sales presentation, she didn't volunteer nor suggested any ideas," Ms Tan gave her feedback.
If you attend a meeting and don't contribute you are wasting your time and everyone else's. Contribute as soon as you can in the meeting to show that you will be a player today.